Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Field Trip to Thornhill

On Oct. 22 we took a field trip to Thornhill at Faust park to learn first hand what like was like for the early settlers in Missouri.  We learned about the history of the mansion and the man who built it, Frederick Bates. We also learned about the Louisiana Purchase and how Frederick Bates was the land commissioner.  We got to experience first hand what some of the daily chores were for kids during that time period.  Everyone got to experience grinding corn, sawing wood, splitting rails, churning butter, hauling water and firewood and candle dipping. All of these chores would have been daily by kids in the 1800's!

 One of our guides, Ms. Micah, showed us how the early settlers used poke berries and walnut shells to make dye for their clothing and ink to write with.

 Mr. Tim, our other guide, taught us how Frederick Bates, the Land Commissioner of the Louisiana Territory,  decided who owned the land that was claimed. 

 Grinding corn in the barn

 Sawing wood for fires
 Splitting rails to build fences
 Ms. Micah showed us how some things in the historic kitchen are the same as in our current kitchens and some things are different.
 Churning butter

 We got to wash our hands the same way they would have in the 1800's, by using a bowl of water and rubbing plants between our hands.  The chlorophyl in the plants killed all the germs on our hands. We also used soap that was made from ash and animal fat, the same kind they used in the 1800's.

 Lunch time!

 Hauling water.  Kids would have had to walk almost a mile each way, several times a day to provide enough water for a family.
 Hauling firewood.
 Making candles

 Tasting the butter we made.  Yum!
  Group photo as we were leaving Thornhill.  We had a great day!

Monday, October 21, 2019

First Quarter Learning Celebration

We have been working hard for 1 full quarter of school!  Working hard and learning a lot calls for a celebration.  On Monday, everyone is class was given a certificate for their hard work and some "smarty pants" for learning so much. No celebration would be complete without a little dance party, too! We're excited to see how much we can accomplish in quarter 2!

Blessed to be a Blessing

Our class had the privilege to help others this week by packing Blessing Bags.  Blessing Bags are bags that the church provides for people to hand out to others in need.  The bags contain a snack and a drink and a Bible message.  The 3rd and 4th graders worked together on Monday morning to pack over 150 bags.  We are sharing God's love whenever and wherever we can!

Friday, October 4, 2019


Our class has been working hard on getting BINGO to earn an ice cream party.  To earn BINGO pieces everyone in our class has to do their best to listen and follow directions the first time the teacher gives them.  Everyone worked hard, listened carefully, and we got a BINGO!  Today we enjoyed our sweet treat for a job well done!

Writing Celebration

We ended our first writing unit with a toast!  We worked hard for several weeks learning about what good writers include in their personal narratives.  We learned about writing strong leads, using dialogue to make our writing more interesting, when to start new paragraphs in our stories and much more!  Then, everyone selected the writing piece they felt was their best and we worked and editing and revising to make our work even better!  Then everyone published their story and illustrated a cover to go with it.  To celebrate all of our hard work we had a writing celebration where we shared our stories with each other in small groups.  At the end we had a toast to good writing.  We can't wait until our next celebration!